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Summer Home Learning 2023

Home Learning W/C 10.7.23


Thank you for coming to our Maths Cafe on Friday! It was lovely to see so many of you and great that you all got stuck into the 'Problem Solving Trail'!

Here are a few more problems for you to solve:



The children wrote some AMAZING non-chronological reports this week about their mystical beings! The homophones (words which have the same pronunciation but different meaning) they continue to get a little muddled on - especially when in the throes of writing - are:

Have a go at selecting the correct homophone to complete these sentences:

As ever, please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.

Best wishes,


Home Learning W/C 3.7.23

Spelling: This week, I have chosen some words which are commonly misspelt by children in Kestrel class. Some of these are taken from the Year 5/6 statutory word list and others might come in useful when writing their non-chronological reports this week.














We have been practising using parenthesis in our writing to add extra detail or explanations for our readers. We have been using commas, brackets or dashes to punctuate these. Here are some examples:

e.g. The Anatomy (structure) of a monkey is very interesting; they have bodies that are designed to give them strength, agility, flexibility and speed.

Monkeys - a type of mammal - are a favourite animal for many as they are very expressive, mischievous, intelligent and often act just like people

Although they eat mainly plant matter, they are omnivores (eat both meat and plants).

Ask your child/ren to write a couple of sentences containing parenthesis which they might like to use in their report.


We learnt about co-ordinates a couple of weeks ago. See what the children have remembered by tackling these problems!

As ever, please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.

Best wishes,


Home Learning W/C 26.6.23

NB. No spellings next week due to Bikeability.


This week, we have spent time learning about the concepts of perimeter and area and have been applying our knowledge and understanding when solving problems. We have learnt about the importance of breaking the problems down into smaller, more manageable chunks and recording our ideas and working out systematically.

I have attached the following booklet (see bottom of page) - why not try tackling a few of the problems together?


In English, your child/ren have invented mystical beings in preparation for writing a non-chronological (information) report about them. Read through our model text (also attached below) with your child and ask them to think about how it is structured and the types of sentence structures they will need to try and include in their reports when we come to write.

Remember to also get outside, explore the outdoors and enjoy this wonderful weather with your child/dren!

Have a wonderful week,

Best wishes,



Home Learning W/C 19.6.23


This week's words are:


Each week, the class with the highest number of children - who have read at least 5 x week and achieved their star - win the Reading trophy in our celebration assembly on a Friday. We were so close to winning this week; let's see if we can get it next week! I will be checking reading records on Tuesday 20th June next week. 

Times tables:

Please keep plugging times tables with your child/ren. 


In the weeks leading up to challenge week, we were doing daily Arithmetic practice. While we will continue to hit aspects of Arithmetic each week, more time will now be spent on other areas of the Maths curriculum to ensure coverage before your child/ren moves to Year 6.  Some parents/carers have expressed an interest in wanting to continue doing regular practice at home. To that end, I have attached some Arithmetic papers to this page for you to use as you wish.

Wider Curriculum:

We will soon be starting out whole school art project called 'Humaneye'  - perhaps your child/ren would like to find out about Angelica Dass the artist who has inspired this project?

angelica dass humaneye1

As ever, please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.

Best wishes,


Home Learning W/C 12.6.23


This week's words are taken from the Year 5/6 statutory word list which I have attached for your reference so that you are able to see the spelling expectations for this age group. I have also attached the Year 3/4 statutory word list as there may well be a couple of words from this list pupils still find a bit tricky and could practise at home!


I am really impressed with how independent and responsible the children are being with their reading records with the vast majority of the children remembering to bring in their reading records and levelled books each day; thank you for your support with this.  While your child/ren are old enough to fill these out themselves, please initial or sign to acknowledge that they have read. I will check records again on Tuesday 13th June this week. Let's see if Kestrel can win the trophy this week!

Times tables:

Please keep plugging times tables with your child/ren. I have now set up new competitions on TT Rockstars for the children to complete. 


In the weeks leading up to challenge week, we were doing daily Arithmetic practice. While we will continue to hit aspects of Arithmetic each week, more time will now be spent on other areas of the Maths curriculum to ensure coverage before your child/ren moves to Year 6.  Some parents/carers have expressed an interest in wanting to continue doing regular practice at home. To that end, I have attached some Arithmetic papers to this page for you to use as you wish.

Wider Curriculum:

Ask the children which type of bridge structure we looked at last week in DT and how we investigated making it stronger. Can they describe their most effective design to you?

As ever, please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.

Best wishes,


Home Learning W/C 5.6.23



I am really impressed with how independent and responsible the children are being with their reading records with the vast majority of the children remembering to bring in their reading records and levelled books each day; thank you for your support with this.  While your child/ren are old enough to fill these out themselves, please initial or sign to acknowledge that they have read. I will check records again on Tuesday 6th June this week.

Times tables:

Please keep plugging times tables with your child/ren. I have now set up new competitions on TT Rockstars for the children to complete. 


In the weeks leading up to challenge week, we were doing daily Arithmetic practice. While we will continue to hit aspects of Arithmetic each week, more time will now be spent on other areas of the Maths curriculum.  Some parents/carers have expressed an interest in wanting to continue doing regular practice at home. To that end, I have attached some Arithmetic papers to this page for you to use as you wish.

Wider Curriculum:

In preparation for our DT Bridges topic, why not have a look at the following Knowledge Organiser to get to grips with some of the vocabulary we will be using. 

As ever, please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.

Best wishes,


Home Learning W/C 22.5.23



On the whole, the children are getting into the swing of bringing in their reading records and levelled books each day; thank you for your support with this.  While your child/ren are old enough to fill these out themselves, please initial or sign to acknowledge that they have read. I will check records again on Tuesday 23rd May this week.

Times tables:

Please keep plugging times tables with your child/ren. I have now set up new competitions on TT Rockstars for the children to complete. 

Wider Curriculum:

In preparation for our Science topic next half-term, your child/ren might like to do some research about reversible and irreversible changes over the half term.  Try this website:

As ever, please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.

Best wishes,


Home Learning W/C 15.5.23




Your child/ren now have their new reading record along with a levelled book - these need to be in school DAILY please. They will have a regular opportunity to read and change their levelled book and, as soon as the new library is up and running, a weekly slot to borrow additional books. While your child/ren are old enough to fill these out themselves, please initial or sign to acknowledge that they have read. I will check these on Tuesday 16th May this week.

Times tables:

Please keep plugging times tables with your child/ren. I have now set up new competitions on TT Rockstars for the children to complete. 

Foundation Subjects:

We are close to finishing our Geography topic and will be doing some Art lessons linked to the proportions of the face and eyes before half-term ready for a whole school Art project in the second half of the Summer term. In preparation, your child/ren might like to practise sketching faces and eyes at home. There are lots of tutorials and guides online which they could follow:

As ever, please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.

Best wishes,


Home Learning W/C 1.5.23

Spellings: As follows:


Your child/ren should now have received their new reading record along with a levelled book - these need to be in school DAILY please . They will have a regular opportunity to read and change their levelled book and, as soon as the new library is up and running, a weekly slot to borrow additional books. While your child/ren are old enough to fill these out themselves, please initial or sign to acknowledge that they have read.  As we are not on Monday 1st May, please ensure these are brought in on Tuesday.


It is challenge week in the week beginning 15.5.23. During this week, the children will sit some assessments. We have been working really hard on practising our Arithmetic skills in class and I have attached a practice paper below for them to practise at home. Please encourage your child/ren to show ALL their working.  

TT Rock stars:

Please keep plugging times tables with your child(ren)! I have now set up new competitions on TT Rockstars for the children to complete. 

Foundation Subjects:

We still need cardboard boxes (no bigger than a microwave!) and cereal boxes ready to make river models in Geography this week. If you have any spare, please bring them in ASAP!

As ever, please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.

Best wishes,


Home learning W/C 24.4.23

Spellings: As follows:


Your child(ren) should aim to read five times over the course of the week. They will be issued with new reading records this week (hopefully they arrive in time!). While they are old enough to fill these out themselves, please initial or sign to acknowledge that they have read. Going forward, these need to be handed in on a Monday to be checked and will need to be in school each day with their reading book.

TT Rock stars:

Please keep plugging times tables with your child(ren)! I will set up further competitions on TT Rockstars for the children to complete. 

Foundation Subjects:

Please could the children start bringing in cardboard boxes (no bigger than a microwave!) and cereal boxes ready to make river models in Geography in the week commencing 1/5/23.

Thanks, as ever, for your support.

Mrs N Henman