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Woodland Wanderers

Autumn 2024

Spring 2023 


Year 2 were asked what they have learnt during their time spent at Woodland Wanderers - 

Emryk - '"You can't pick leaves off trees"

Amber - "Looking at bugs close up"

Faith - "That nature is good" 

Jack - "How to build dens"

Rose - "That it can be soo much fun and there are soo many things you can do"

Millie - "To not pick leaves and flowers because it will kill them"

Albie - "I've got better at building dens"

Jaxon - "I've got better at climbing trees"

Clodagh - "I've learnt that lots of creatures ive here, and we need to be kind and respectful to everyone and everything"

Max - "I've learnt that nature is really delicate"

Max Mu - "That it's really good fun in nature because it has lots of trees and I like trees"

Philly - "I've learnt it's good to respect the trees and hug them"

Sienna - "Don't pick plants and hurt them"

Cecily - " Be kind to everything and everyone"

Elsie - "I've learnt you make loads of dens and make mud pies"

Sonny - "I've learnt a new game, guess the animal"

Reeva - "That everything and everyone is really important to respect"

Jacob - "You have to respect the trees and the plants"

Aiden - "To be kind to each other"

Peggy - "That you can't pull leaves off trees. Be kind to everybody"

Lottie - "You need to be kind to everyone and respect everything and everyone"

Harrison - "Don't hurt anything. Be kind to everyone and everything"

Isla - "I learnt that animals have very cool features. I learnt things can be hard, but you can do it"