Early Years Foundation Stage
We aspire for all of the children in our EYFS to be happy, engaged, confident, independent, curious, resilient, creative and take risks.
Our curriculum aim for Early Years is to provide an inspiring, rich and exciting environment where children have the opportunity to explore and learn, in order to achieve the Early Learning Goals at the end of EYFS.
The environment is monitored and adapted to maximise learning opportunities for all. In Reception small focus tasks in phonics, literacy and maths are completed daily. We advocate outdoor learning and the children have free flow access throughout the day. The outside environment is an extension of the classroom.
One of our many strengths and one that we are proud of, is that we focus on the individual needs of every child. Through a creative and nurturing approach, we aim to actively engage, inspire and enable our children to flourish and grow to their full potential, securing the foundation for future learning.