Blog 2022-2023
We are the Y6 Blogging Team:
We welcome you to our new weekly blog. Our aim is to give you a taster of what our class is all about :-). Isaac, Tilly, Beth and Noah are the bloggers for our class. Our blog is ordered with the most current week being first.
Week Beginning: 17.7.23
Our final week together! :-(
Weeks Beginning: 3.7.23 and 10.7.23
These weeks are transition weeks so for some of the time we are out at our new high schools/colleges. We have been learnig about the Humanae project started by Angelica Dass, learning to paint our own skin tones and creating portraits to reflect the fact that we are all a shade of brown and to quote 'It's a project in constant evolution seeking to demonstrate that what defines the human being is its inescapably uniqueness and, therefore, its diversity.'
We have also been practising, practising and practising for our school performance this week. We know our words so now it's fine-tuning in preparation for Wednesday! See below and our gallery of photographs of us in action!
Weeks Beginning: 19.6.23 and 26.6.23
There has been a lot of play rehearsal for the past 2 weeks. We now have the stage up so we have been practising getting in our positions and adding the songs into our performance. On Wednesday, we had a break and visited Strangers' Hall museum to meet consumed characters who lived in Norwich in 1550 - one year after Kett's Rebellion. We really learnt a lot from our visit. There were so many different views about the rebellion!
Week Beginning 12.6.23
This week, we've been learning about formulas and investigating matchstick patterns in maths. We've also finished learning The Caravan story and boxed up our own warning tale ready to write. However, the best bit about this week was taking part in our last every Sports Day and getting completely covered in the Colour Run!! It was fab!
Week Beginning 5.6.23
This week has been a busy one. We've been learning about function machines and writing simple algebraic equations in Maths. In English, we have been learning a text called 'The Caravan' using a story map. From this we have been investigating dangerous settings and character responses.
Miss Carr also held auditions for our play performance in July. Lots of us were nervous, but it wasn't as bad as we thought! We all now have our parts!
Week Beginning 22.5.23
This week, nearly all of the class have been on the Hilltop Residential. We had a fabulous time as you can see by our photos! There are more in our class gallery <<<<<.
Week Beginning 15.5.23
Below are some pictures of our Beetles printing completed with the help of local artist - Amelia Bowman. We have just finished framing them and will be creating a Science classification display with some of them :-)
Week Beginning 24.4.23
This week, us in Kingfisher Class have started a new class book: The Fox Girl and the White Gazelle. It's a big hit already!
With SATs coming up, we have been learning new and different ways to cope with stress and to help with keeping calm in our PSHE lessons.
In computing, we have been learning and programming with microbit technology and learning about variables. This is all very new to us but we are enjoying it.
Week Beginning 27.3.23 and 17.4.23
The week before our Easter Break was a busy one for our class. We had plenty of work to finish or get close to finishing! Watch the space below for some great images of our cow collages inspired by the artist - Elizabeth St Hilaire.
Week Beginning 20.3.23
This week, we have been busy as normal. Below are some photos of us enjoying our music lesson playing the ukulele and being palaeontologists in Science, where we pretended to be scientists in Montana finding fossils on a dig. We enjoyed this lesson loads!
Week Beginning 13.3.23
Today, we programmed WeDo lego models to do things like: move forwards, spin, make sounds, sense movement and change colours. Beth said that it was fun, and she liked the practical side of the lesson. We learnt how to code and control using the Chromebooks.
On Friday afternoon, we enjoyed an afternoon of Science. Because it was Science Week, we chose to focus on colour connections. Picture one is of Alex making a balloon hovercraft. Picture 2 is some of us trying to make rainbow water by creating different densities of water with sugar.Picture 3 is using lollipop sticks to show how potential energy can be stored and then turned into kinetic energy. All-in-all, it was messy but fun! Some things really worked, and typically some things didn't. That's Science for you!