Home Learning
W/C 8.7.24
Spelling: Below are our spellings for the week - these have been uploaded to Spelling Shed. Logins can be found on the inside cover of your child/ren's reading records.
Times Tables:
Please encourage your children to log into TT Rockstars for some practise. Again, logins can be found on the inside cover of their reading records.
Any reading you can do with your child/ren at home will support and benefit them immensely. If there are five recorded reads in their records, your child will receive a star and the class with the most stars wins the reading trophy for that week. I will look at reading records each Tuesday. Let's see if we can win the trophy!
Please do get in contact should you have any questions.
Best wishes,
W/C 10.6.24
Spelling: Below are our spellings for the week - these have been uploaded to Spelling Shed. Logins can be found on the inside cover of your child/ren's reading records.
Any reading you can do with your child/ren at home will support and benefit them immensely. If there are five recorded reads in their records, your child will receive a star and the class with the most stars wins the reading trophy for that week. I will look at reading records each Tuesday. Let's see if we can win the trophy!
Times Tables:
As well as TT Rockstars, we have introduced a new method of teaching/learning times tables called the 99 Club. Children can progress through the stages at their own rate. We have encouraged children to take home a copy of the level they are working on to practise, so you might like to ask them about this.
The skip counting songs we have been using in class to learn our tables can be found on this website:
The Wider Curriculum:
In PSHE, we have been discussing body image and self-esteem. We have looked at images which have been heavily edited and discussed how this might put pressure on young people to feel they have to look a certain way.
Spend some time thinking about all the things that you like yourself and things you are proud of.
Please do get in contact should you have any questions.
Best wishes,
W/C 3.6.24
Spelling: Below are our spellings for the week - these have been uploaded to Spelling Shed. Logins can be found on the inside cover of your child/ren's reading records.
Any reading you can do with your child/ren at home will support and benefit them immensely. If there are five recorded reads in their records, your child will receive a star and the class with the most stars wins the reading trophy for that week. I will look at reading records each Tuesday. Let's see if we can win the trophy!
Times Tables:
As well as TT Rockstars, we have introduced a new method of teaching/learning times tables called the 99 Club. Children can progress through the stages at their own rate. We have encouraged children to take home a copy of the level they are working on to practise, so you might like to ask them about this.
The skip counting songs we have been using in class to learn our tables can be found on this website:
The Wider Curriculum:
In Geography, over the next three weeks, we will be finding out more about three significant rivers in the UK (River Severn); Europe (River Danube) and South America (Amazon River). As well as learning how to describe their location, your child/ren will be considering the impact - both negative and positive - they have had on humans both in the past and today.
You could carry out some research into these three rivers and present your findings in a fact file.
Please do get in contact should you have any questions.
Best wishes,
W/C: 6.5.24
Spelling: Due to the shorter week and our Art Cafe, we are rolling over our spellings from last week. These are still on Spelling Shed and logins can be found on the inside cover of your child/ren's reading record.
Any reading you can do with your child/ren at home will support and benefit them immensely. If there are five recorded reads in their records, your child will receive a star and the class with the most stars wins the reading trophy for that week. I will look at reading records each Tuesday. Let's see if we can win the trophy!
Times Tables:
As well as TT Rockstars, we have introduced a new method of teaching/learning times tables called the 99 Club. Children can progress through the stages at their own rate. We have encouraged children to take home a copy of the level they are working on to practise, so you might like to ask them about this.
The skip counting songs we have been using in class to learn our tables can be found on this website:
The Wider Curriculum: This week in Geography we learnt about the features of rivers. Ask your child/ren to accurately label this diagram and ask them to describe and explain what each of the features are.
Please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.
Best wishes,
W/C: 29.4.24
Spelling: Below are our spellings for the week - these have been uploaded to Spelling Shed. Logins can be found on the inside cover of your child/ren's reading records.
Any reading you can do with your child/ren at home will support and benefit them immensely. If there are five recorded reads in their records, your child will receive a star and the class with the most stars wins the reading trophy for that week. I will look at reading records each Tuesday. Let's see if we can win the trophy!
Times Tables:
As well as TT Rockstars, we have introduced a new method of teaching/learning times tables called the 99 Club. Children can progress through the stages at their own rate. We have encouraged children to take home a copy of the level they are working on to practise, so you might like to ask them about this.
The skip counting songs we have been using in class to learn our tables can be found on this website:
The Wider Curriculum: In Geography, we are learning about the features of rivers and their role in the Water Cycle. Last week, we learnt about how rivers change during their journey from source to mouth. Test your child/ren's knowledge with these retrieval questions:
1. Where does the water run the fastest in a river?
2. Where are the narrowest channels found?
3. Where would you find the most twists and turns?
4. Where are you most likely to find flooding?
5. Where might you find waterfalls?
Please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.
Best wishes,
W/C: 22.4.24
Spelling: Below are our spellings for the week - these have been uploaded onto Spelling Shed. Logins can be found on the inside cover of your child/ren's reading records.
Any reading you can do with your child/ren at home will support and benefit them immensely. If there are five recorded reads in their records, your child will receive a star and the class with the most stars wins the reading trophy for that week. I will look at reading records each Tuesday. Let's see if we can win the trophy!
Times Tables:
As well as TT Rockstars, we have introduced a new method of teaching/learning times tables called the 99 Club. Children can progress through the stages at their own rate. We have encouraged children to take home a copy of the level they are working on to practise, so you might like to ask them about this.
The skip counting songs we have been using in class to learn our tables can be found on this website:
The Wider Curriculum: In Geography, we are learning about the features of rivers and their role in the Water Cycle. It would be useful if you could revise what the four main processes involved in the Water Cycle are with your child/ren from their learning in Year 4.
Please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.
Best wishes,
W/C: 15.4.24
Here are the spellings for the week. These have been uploaded onto Spelling Shed and children can find their logins on the inside cover of their reading records.
Home Learning W/C 18.3.24
Spelling: Below are our spellings for the week - these have been uploaded onto Spelling Shed. Logins can be found on the inside cover of your child/ren's reading records.
Group 1: Group 2:
Times Tables: As well as TT Rockstars, we have introduced a new method of teaching/learning times tables called the 99 Club. Children can progress through the stages at their own rate. We have encouraged children to take home a copy of the level they are working on to practise, so you might like to ask them about this.
The skip counting songs we have been using in class to learn our tables can be found on this website:
The Wider Curriculum: In History, we will be answering our big question: What caused the decline of the Mayan Civilisation? Use the internet to research other possible theories.
Here are some of the theories:
Drought and crop failure leading to food shortages
Warfare between rival tribes intensified
Declining trade meant cities could not sustain their populations
An increase in diseases meant a declining population
A natural disaster killed everyone
Please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.
Best wishes,
Home Learning W/C 4.3.24
Spelling: Below are our spellings for the week - these have been uploaded onto Spelling Shed. Logins can be found on the inside cover of your child/ren's reading records.
Group 1: Group 2:
Home Learning W/C 4.3.24
Spelling: Below are our spellings for the week - these have been uploaded onto Spelling Shed. Logins can be found on the inside cover of your child/ren's reading records.
Group 1: Group 2:
Times Tables: As well as TT Rockstars, we have introduced a new method of teaching/learning times tables called the 99 Club. Children can progress through the stages at their own rate. We have encouraged children to take home a copy of the level they are working on to practise, so you might like to ask them about this.
The skip counting songs we have been using in class to learn our tables can be found on this website:
The Wider Curriculum: Ask your child/ren how the Mayan society is organised and complete the activity below. We discussed the word hierarchy - see if they can explain what it means to you!
Please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.
Best wishes,
Home Learning W/C 12.2.24
Spelling: Below are our spellings for the week - these have been uploaded onto Spelling Shed. Logins can be found on the inside cover of your child/ren's reading records.
Times Tables: As well as TT Rockstars, we have introduced a new method of teaching/learning times tables called the 99 Club. Children can progress through the stages at their own rate. We have encouraged children to take home a copy of the level they are working on to practise, so you might like to ask them about this.
The skip counting songs we have been using in class to learn our tables can be found on this website:
The Wider Curriculum: Carry out some research about the Mayan religious beliefs and Gods.
Please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.
Best wishes,
Home Learning W/C 5.2.24
Spelling: Below are our spellings for the week - these have been uploaded onto Spelling Shed. Logins can be found on the inside cover of your child/ren's reading records.
Times Tables: As well as TT Rockstars, we have introduced a new method of teaching/learning timetables called the 99 Club. Children can progress through the stages at their own rate. We have encouraged children to take home a copy of the level they are working on to practise, so you might like to ask them about this.
The skip counting songs we have been using in class to learn our tables can be found on this website:
The Wider Curriculum: Ahead of our DT project next week, have a look at some bolognese recipes and think about some adaptions that can be made to make them more interesting and appealing.
Please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.
Best wishes,
Home Learning W/C 29.1.24
Spelling: Due to our busy week (Class Assembly and School Trip), we are going to roll our spellings over from last week. These are still on Spelling Shed. Logins can be found on the inside cover of your child/ren's Reading Records.
Times Tables: As well as TT Rockstars, we have introduced a new method of teaching/learning timetables called the 99 Club. Children can progress through the stages at their own rate. We have encouraged children to take home a copy of the level they are working on to practise, so you might like to ask them about this.
The skip counting songs we have been using in class to learn our tables can be found on this website:
The Wider Curriculum: Ahead of our History lesson this week, you might like to carry out some research into Mayan cities, buildings and homes.
Please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.
Best wishes,
Home Learning W/C 22.1.24
Spelling: Here are this week's words which have been uploaded onto Spelling Shed. Logins can be found on the inside cover of Reading Records.
Times Tables: As well as TT Rockstars, we have introduced a new method of teaching timetables called the 99 Club. Children can progress through the stages at their own rate. We have encouraged children to take home a copy of the level they are working on to practise, so you might like to ask them about this.
The skip counting songs we have been using in class can be found on this website:
Class Assembly: We have sent home copies of the contributions your child/ren will make in the assembly. Please encourage them to have a run through of their lines/poems/stories. They will not be expected to know these off by heart.
Please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.
Best wishes,
Home Learning W/C 8.1.24
Spelling: Here are this week's words which have been uploaded onto Spelling Shed. Logins can be found on the inside cover of Reading Records.
Times Table Rockstars:
Please encourage your child/ren to continue practising their tables, which has been a huge focus this half-term. Logins can be found on the inside cover of their reading record.
The skip counting songs we have been using in class can be found on this website:
English: We have been learning how to retell the story 'Smaug' using a story map. This is an example of a 'Defeating the Monster' story. See if your children can use the story map below to retell the first part of the story to you:
Please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.
Best wishes,
Home Learning W/C 1.1.24
Spelling: This week's words are:
Times Table Rockstars:
Please encourage your child/ren to continue practising their tables, which has been a huge focus this half-term. Logins can be found on the inside cover of their reading record.
The skip counting songs we have been using in class can be found on this website:
Any reading you can do with your child/ren at home will support and benefit them immensely. If there are five recorded reads in their records, your child will receive a star and the class with the most stars wins the reading trophy for that week. I will look at reading records each Tuesday. Let's see if we can win the trophy!
The Wider Curriculum:
We have just started our new history unit which explores the Ancient Mayan Civilisation. Eventually, our aim is to be able to answer the question: What caused the decline of the Ancient Mayan Civilisation?
Have a look at the Knowledge Organiser below with your child/ren so that they can get to grips with some of the key vocabulary and knowledge they will need.
Please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.
Best wishes,
Home Learning W/C 11.12.23
The class currently have two word lists to work on for spelling this week on . Remember, logins can be found on the inside cover of their reading records.
Times Table Rockstars:
Please encourage your child/ren to continue practising their tables, which has been a huge focus this half term. Logins can be found on the inside cover of their reading record.
The skip counting songs we have been using in class can be found on this website:
Any reading you can do with your child/ren at home will support and benefit them immensely. If there are five recorded reads in their records, your child will receive a star and the class with the most stars wins the reading trophy for that week. I will look at reading records each Tuesday. Let's see if we can win the trophy!
The Wider Curriculum:
In Computing, we have been learning about all the skills and techniques involved with 'Vector Drawing'. Have a look at the knowledge organiser below and ask your child/ren to explain and demonstrate some of the terminology using Google Drawings: (https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1X_t2x25IVkoqNBHwk0ieEO3kByQw6lUglk86Y18l9Os/edit
Please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.
Best wishes,
Home Learning W/C 4.12.23
The class currently have two word lists to work on for spelling this week on . Remember, logins can be found on the inside cover of their reading records.
Times Table Rockstars:
Hopefully, everyone has now completed their gig. Please encourage your child/ren to do so if they have not already and continue practising their tables - we will be working on the 9 x table this week. Logins can be found on the inside cover of their reading record.
The skip counting songs we have been using in class can be found on this website:
Any reading you can do with your child/ren at home will support and benefit them immensely. If there are five recorded reads in their records, your child will receive a star and the class with the most stars wins the reading trophy for that week. I will look at reading records each Tuesday. Let's see if we can win the trophy!
The Wider Curriculum:
As a class, we have been tasked with learning and reciting 'Walking with My Iguana' which is an iconic poem written by Brian Moses. It's a really fun poem which lends itself to performing with enthusiasm, energy and movement. You can find a recording of Brian Modes reciting the poem on this link:
Encourage your child/ren to practise a verse or two and play around with the rhythm, volume and intonation.
Please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.
Best wishes,
Home Learning W/C 27.11.23
Times Table Rockstars:
I have set up TT Rock stars so that the next time your child/ren logs in, they will be asked to complete a 'Gig'. This is an opportunity to check how much progress your child/ren has made in the last couple of months. Logins can be found on the inside cover of their reading record.
The skip counting songs we have been using in class can be found on this website:
The class currently have two word lists to work on for spelling this week on . Remember, logins can be found on the inside cover of their reading records.
Any reading you can do with your child/ren at home will support and benefit them immensely. If there are five recorded reads in their records, your child will receive a star and the class with the most stars wins the reading trophy for that week. I will look at reading records each Tuesday. Let's see if we can win the trophy!
The Wider Curriculum:
Ahead of our two-day DT Textiles project next week, have a look at the Knowledge Organiser below with your child/ren for the topic so that they can get to grips with some of the vocabulary and techniques we will be using.
Please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.
Best wishes,
Home Learning W/C 20.11.23
Spelling: The class have two word lists to work on for spelling this week on . Remember, logins can be found on the inside cover of their reading records.
Times Table Rockstars:
We are currently focusing on our 4, 8, 3 and 7 times tables in class. I have set these as a focus on Times Table Rockstars for your child/ren to practise. Again, logins can be found on the inside cover of their reading record.
Any reading you can do with your child/ren at home will support and benefit them immensely. If there are five recorded reads in their records, your child will receive a star and the class with the most stars wins the reading trophy for that week. I will look at reading records each Tuesday. Let's see if we can win the trophy!
In preparation for writing our information texts about invented aliens, children can start thinking about the features their mysterious beings might have as well as which planet they are from. They could sketch an annotated diagram using technical vocabulary such as: abdomen, limbs, antlers, antennae, talons, wingspan, carnivore, herbivore, exoskeleton etc.
The Wider Curriculum: We are close to wrapping up our Ancient Greek history topic. The Ancient Greek legacies we have explored are: democracy; religion and beliefs; language; the Olympics and theatre. Next week, we will be asking children to argue which they believe is the greatest legacy so any preparation or research they can do at home to support this would be beneficial.
Please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.
Best wishes,
Home Learning W/C 13.11.23
Spelling: The class have two word lists to work on for spelling this week on . Remember, logins can be found on the inside cover of their reading records.
TT Rockstars:
We are currently focusing on our 4, 8 and 3 times tables in class. I have set these as a focus on Times Table Rockstars for your child/ren to practise. Again, logins can be found on the inside cover of their reading record. Take part in this upcoming tournament:
Any reading you can do with your child/ren at home will support and benefit them immensely. If there are five recorded reads in their records, your child will receive a star and the class with the most stars wins the reading trophy for that week. I will look at reading records each Tuesday. Let's see if we can win the trophy!
The Wider Curriculum:
Science: Ahead of our trip to the Greenwich Royal Observatory on Tuesday, carry out some research about the Earth, Sun and Moon on the BBC BITESIZE website:
Please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.
Best wishes,
Home Learning W/C 6.11.23
Spelling: The class have two word lists to work on for spelling this week on . Remember, logins can be found on the inside cover of their reading records.
TT Rockstars:
We are currently focusing on our 4 and 8 times tables in class. I have set these as a focus on Times Table Rockstars for your child/ren to practise. Again, logins can be found on the inside cover of their reading records.
Any reading you can do with your child/ren at home will support and benefit them immensely. If there are five recorded reads in their records, your child will receive a star and the class with the most stars wins the reading trophy for that week. I will look at reading records each Tuesday. Let's see if we can win the trophy!
The Wider Curriculum:
History: Ask your child/ren about these sources of evidence we have been exploring in our history lessons. Can they explain to you how they represent some of the legacies of the Ancient Greeks?
Please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.
Best wishes,
Home Learning W/C 16.10.23
Spelling: Great news! Children have now been given their Spelling Shed username and password so that they can log in at home to practise our weekly spellings online. Details are stuck on the inside cover of their reading records. Please encourage your child/ren to have a go at some of the games on offer.
My apologies: I got ahead of myself last week as I forgot that it was 'challenge week' and we wouldn't have a spelling test/lesson. To confirm, children will be tested on the following 'tial' words on Tuesday 17th October:
They will also be introduced to the following 'cial' and 'tial' words ready for a test after half term,
Both sets of words have been assigned to children on Spelling Shed.
TT Rockstars:
Children should continue to regularly practise their times tables at home and one way of doing this is by logging into their TT Rockstars account and engaging with the games and activities on offer.
Please support your child with recording any reading they do at home even if they are now mostly reading independently. If there are five recorded reads in their records, your child will receive a star and the class with the most stars wins the reading trophy for that week. I will look at reading records each Tuesday. Let's see if we can be one of the winners!
The Wider Curriculum:
As part of Black History Month, we have started learning about the lives and work of four inspirational women:
Lauren James
Mary Seacole
Malorie Blackman
Dr Anne Marie Imafidon
Encourage your child to find out more about these amazing women at home.
Please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.
Best wishes,
Home Learning W/C 9.10.23
Spelling: This week, we will be investigating words ending in 'tial' and 'cial'. We will have a low stakes test on the words below next Tuesday (17.10.23
TT Rockstars:
Children should continue to regularly practise their times tables at home and one way of doing this is by logging into their TT Rockstars account and engaging with the games and activities on offer.
Please support your child with recording any reading they do at home even if they are now mostly reading independently. If there are five recorded reads in their records, your child will receive a star and the class with the most stars wins the reading trophy for that week. I will look at reading records each Tuesday. Let's see if we can be one of the winners!
The Wider Curriculum:
October is Black History Month. Watch thisepisode of Newsround to find out more: Newsround Link
Please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.
Best wishes,
Home Learning W/C 2.10.23
Spelling: This week, we will be investigating words ending in 'tial'. We will have a low stakes test on the words below next Tuesday (10.10.23
TT Rockstars:
Children should continue to regularly practise their times tables at home and one way of doing this is by logging into their TT Rockstars account and engaging with the games and activities on offer.
Please support your child with recording any reading they do at home even if they are now mostly reading independently. If there are five recorded reads in their records, your child will receive a star and the class with the most stars wins the reading trophy for that week. I will look at reading records each Tuesday. Let's see if we can be one of the winners!
The Wider Curriculum:
In preparation for our History lesson this week, encourage your child to find out about some of the Ancient Greek Gods and Goddesses.
Please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.
Best wishes,
Home Learning W/C 25.9.23
Spelling: This week, we will be investigating words ending in 'cial'. We will have a low stakes test on the words below next Tuesday (3.10.23)
TT Rockstars:
Children should continue to regularly practise their times tables at home and one way of doing this is by logging into their TT Rockstars account and engaging with the games and activities on offer. I have set up a friendly class competition - boys vs girls - so it would be great if you could encourage your child/ren to get involved in that!
All children in the class have now been issued with a Reading Record and a levelled reading book - these need to be in school EVERY day. We encourage children to read and enjoy books at home. Please support your child with recording any reading they do at home even if they are now mostly reading independently. If there are five recorded reads, your child will receive a star and the class with the most stars wins the reading trophy for that week. I will look at reading records each Tuesday. Let's see if we can be one of the winners!
The Wider Curriculum:
Ask your child/ren about the the work of artist - Louise Fili- and what they can tell you about 'Typography'.
Please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.
Best wishes,
Home Learning W/C 18.9.23
Spelling: This week, we will be investigating words ending in 'cious'. We will have a low stakes test on the words below next Tuesday (26.9.23)
TT Rockstars:
Children should continue to regularly practise their times tables at home and one way of doing this is by logging into their TT Rockstars account and engaging with the games and activities on offer. I have set up a friendly class competition - boys vs girls - so it would be great if you could encourage your child/ren to get involved in that!
All children in the class have now been issued with a Reading Record and a levelled reading books - these need to be in school EVERY day. Hopefully, we will get along to the library next week to chose one from there too. We encourage children to read and enjoy books at home. Please support your child with recording any reading they do at home even if they are now mostly reading independently. If there are five recorded reads, your child will receive a star and the class with the most stars wins the reading trophy for that week. I will look at reading records each Tuesday. Let's see if we can be one of the first winners!
The Wider Curriculum:
Have a look at the Ancient Greek Knowledge organiser with your child/ren as we have now kick-started this History topic. Our work will centre around this enquiry question:
Please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.
Best wishes,
Home learning W/C 11.9.23
Spelling: This week, we will be investigating words ending in 'ious'. We will have a low stakes test on the words below next Tuesday .
We have kick-started the term with a unit on 'Place Value'. Have a go at the following problem with your child/ren.
TT Rockstars:
Children should continue to regularly practise their times tables at home and one way of doing this is by logging into their TT Rockstars account and engaging with the games and activities on offer. I have set up a friendly class competition - boys vs girls - so it would be great if you could encourage your child/ren to get involved in that!
I will be reissuing usernames and passwords in case anyone has forgotten their details. If you have just started with us, I have also set up new accounts and will be giving you your login details this week.
All children in the class have now been issued with a Reading Record and a levelled reading books - these need to be in school EVERY day. Hopefully, we will get along to the library next week to chose one from there too. We encourage children to read and enjoy books at home. Please support your child with recording any reading they do at home even if they are now mostly reading independently. If there are five recorded reads, your child will receive a star and the class with the most stars wins the reading trophy for that week. I will look at reading records each Tuesday. Let's see if we can be one of the first winners!
Please do get in contact should you have any queries or concerns.
Best wishes,